2023 Mid-Year Singapore Property Review and Outlook
An education seminar by Property Club Singapore
(recorded on August 5, 2023)

What's In This Video
Property Investment Outlook and Strategies (0:51:55)
(Ku Swee Yong, Director, International Property Advisor Pte Ltd)
- What did the latest URA real estate statistics tell us?
- Is there any en bloc potential in selected older projects?
- Are there any bright spot(s) in Singapore’s Master Plan?
- What are the risks and opportunities in commercial properties?
- Should investors keep an eye on some overseas markets?
- Q&A

No B.S. Property Consultation: All Your Top Questions Answered (0:37:13)
(Vina Ip, Blogger, PropertySoul.com)
- Where and what should I buy for the next few years?
- What is the best housing option for me and my family?
- How do you see the investment value of project X versus project Y?
- Is it still a good time to buy now or should I wait?
- Should I buy properties in overseas markets instead and where?

What Did Audience Say
100% participants rate this event "Good" or "Excellent". 100% find the information presented useful.
Swee Yong offers specific insight and concrete examples which is much appreciated!
A:ways a blessing to get real insights and a breath of fresh air
Learned a lot! It was truly informative and useful
Well-presented and unbiased
Up-to-date and insightful analyses
Very good reminders on the typical pitfalls to avoid, especially in a hot and emotional market
Who are the Speakers

Ku Swee Yong is the Chief Executive Officer of International Property Advisor Pte Ltd. in Singapore. From Nov 2013 to Nov 2016, he was concurrently the CEO of Century 21 Singapore. He was a Director in the Real Estate Centre of Expertise at Société Générale Private Banking, responsible for advising clients on real estate investments, the Director of Marketing and Business Development at Savills Singapore and the General Manager at Far East Organization’s Indonesia office.
Swee Yong has written 7 books about real estate: Real Estate Riches, Building Your Real Estate Riches, Real Estate Realities, Weathering a Property Downturn, Preparing for a Property Upturn, The Future of Real Estate and Getting Started in Alternative Investments. He has been appointed as adjunct faculty at the Lee Kong Chian School of Business in the Singapore Management University, at the Department of Real Estate in the National University of Singapore and at the School of Design and Environment in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Vina Ip is a property enthusiast. She bought her first condominium unit for rent in 2002. In the next 4½ years, she built up a property portfolio of 5 private homes. By 2008, its total value had more than doubled. She sold 4 of them, realizing a net profit of 80 to 120 percent and an annualized return of 10.8 percent.
In 2010, she set up a personal blog PropertySoul.com to share her experiences as a property investor. Her first book No B.S. Guide to Property Investment (2014) was a bestseller in Kinokuniya, Popular and Times bookstores. She published her second book Behind The Scenes of The Property Market end of 2020. She is also the founder of Property Club Singapore - a neutral platform for the learning and networking of like-minded private property buyers, investors and owners.
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Video Duration: 1:29:08
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